RAK5860 WisBlock Nb-Iot BG77 Series GNSS

Hi. Some news ? We are waiting!

Hi @Rodique2 ,

Sorry for late response.

What error do you receive if you donā€™t deactivate PDP via ā€œAT+QIDEACTā€?

On your sending issue, based on Quectel documentation, AT+QISEND doesnā€™t need the byte size.

Btw, are you from US? LTE-M of Hologram will only work on US.

Hi @magdoz59 ,

Are you waiting for the release of new BSP or something else?

Too late information to us !
We moved forward with our projectsā€¦

Yes Sir. You was kind and helpful! Thanks

I wish all the best on your current project sir.

I am just here to support your RAK5860 concerns if you still have any nb-iot or lte-m project :100:

Thanks Sir. I was very busy and had no time to play with Wisblockā€¦ sorry for my silenceā€¦

I donā€™t drop the project, just spended too much time with your devices and we used another devices at our projectsā€¦

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Hi @carlrowan @beegee . I know, itā€™s not a right place to ask, but we talked in the past at this channelā€¦ You helped me with WisBlock ! Same quality help need from You Sir for Helium implementation to New Zealand. I checked, Wellington have two spots. What is your advice to Helium implementation to Auckland nz ? Too early to think about, or too late ? I know, itā€™s not a fast business, but I would like to take my chancesā€¦


Hi Zoltan,
I am not involved with Helium / Gateways. I forwarded your inquiry to our Gateway specialists. They should get in contact with you soon.

Thank You Sir ! Iā€™m at researching stageā€¦

Hi Zoltan,

For New Zealand Iā€™d say youā€™re early, as you found there are not many around yet.

Weā€™ll have some announcements later In the year which will make these deployments much easier.

All the best


Hi SIr.

You were busy, Iā€™m busy too, even if Iā€™m just a hobbyist experimenting new technologies !
Thank You for your fast answer, I very appreciate. Are You kind Sir to send/forward the latest Helium/RAKwireless news to me ? I think, will be soon to be implemented to nz and I hope to be part of that !

Best regards

Yes definitely you will receive the news when they are available!
Right now youā€™d be waiting many months for a Helium gateway in New Zealand, it would not be a good experience particularly for busy people.

No worry at all , I can handle Dear Friend ! As I said, not a quick business.

just curious, they are active at Austria/Hungary/Romania countries ?

Yes much more widespread in Europe, but top 2 countries are US and U.K.

Thanks Sir. Yes, indeed, Iā€™ll inform my friends/investors about thisā€¦ They asked me to do one small research about this matter ā€¦

Appreciated your advices,

Just a time matter ! I think ! If not RAK, will be something elseā€¦ no clue.

no original tech they are coming . shame of them them

@carlrowan , could you re-upload the sketches on Dropbox , the previous ones have been deleted. Thanks.

Hi @rommel ,

The current example code in the Arduino BSP for RAK4630 is already updated. Same on the one in dropbox.

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