RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

Hi @focigod705,

Which version firmware are you using?
I think it may be a lower version so that this AT command can’t be used.
You can download the latest firmware and the bootloader here:
Then flash them into your RAK7200 according to the document:

Thanks @JeroenKl and @Fomi. After updating the firmware I was able to send the command. Thank you both.

@Fomi, will I need to adjust the payload decoder for TTN?

Hi @focigod705,

Yes, we’re making another decoder for TTN now. :smile:

you can use

for 4 digits precision gps data.

If you increased the precision(6 digits), you should use

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Wonderful. Thank you very much.

Hi @Fomi,

Can we expect a RUI based firmware soon?



Hi @Fomi,

Can we expect a RUI based firmware soon?



Oh @JeroenKl,

I’m really sorry for late reply, especially your last post because i just see it…

About the new firmware for RAK7200 based one RUI, i’m afraid it will not be released soon.
Recently, my team are working on RAK modules linke RAK811, RAK4200, RAK4270, RAK4600, …
We want to focus on imporving these modules firstly (the first step), then improving RAK products like RAK7200 based on these modules’s new firmware (the second step). This is a re-optimized work.
Now, we are at the end of the first step, and the second step will start at the beginnig of the next month.

Hi Jeroen,
Waiting to buy a lot of trackers 7200 for my job. Seems to be a lot of bugs in the firmware. You have test it since a few months I have seen that. Could you please contact me at jazbond at gmail to discuss if you agree and give me your advice in private :slightly_smiling_face:

@Fomi - I have been following this thread since Aug 2019. I would like to use this tracker if the internal antenna issue has been resolved. Have you an ETA of the new updated antenna being made available for sale? Thanks!

Hi Stefan,

I’ve got a 7200 tracker with the new internal antenna and works fine.
Of course is my 7200 with a tweaked external anttenna performing a little bit better, but that’s logical.

BR, Jeroen

Thanks @JeroenKl - I think I’ll use an external one.

Hi there, anyway to visually detect the problematic antenna?
Just received the tracker, with latest firmware, only able to talk to GW if its around 40 meters!
Any help please!?

Board Core:  S76G_B
LoRa chip:  SX1276
Please Configurate parameters within 30 seconds ...
OK Work Mode: LoRaWAN
Region: AU915
Send_interval: 180s
Auto send status: true.
Send_interval work at sleep
Join_mode: OTAA
DevEui: AC1F09FFFE003XXX
AppEui: 70B3D57ED0036XXX
Class: A
Joined Network:false
IsConfirm: unconfirm
AdrEnable: false
EnableRepeaterSupport: false
Current Datarate: 0
Primeval Datarate: 5
ChannelsTxPower: 0
UpLinkCounter: 0
DownLinkCounter: 0
lorasend_interval: 180s
MPU9250 Init OK
Initialization OK,Current work_mode:LoRaWAN, join_mode:OTAA, Class: A
gps_timeout: 100s
Configuration OK!
OTAA Join Start...
[LoRa]:Joined Successed!
Start Search Satellite(about 100 seconds) ...

in picture, circle radius is around 150 meters
Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 03.04.15
and the antenna version/picture
Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 03.08.43

If you’ve opened the box up, you may want to very carefully unplug the uFl connection and try a different antenna to compare & contrast.

yah… a few more weeks for them to arrive from China.
as it is the coverage is not acceptable!

Managed to put an antenna from other lora device and situation is the same! RAK any help please?

Hello, on your specification you are speaking about: * Barometer: Built-in LPS22HB - digital nano pressure sensor but actually there are no documentation to activate it. I’ve tried commandes like at+set_config=device:pressure:1
With result:
Parameter is invalid.
Can you please provide a better documentation about pressure sensor? By looking at the RUI code for 7204 i get some information but not enough (https://github.com/RAKWireless/Products_practice_based_on_RUI_v2.0/tree/master/based%20on%20RAK811/RAK7204).

You’re are selling the RAK 7200 as development platform with a lot of feature but actually we cannot develop a lot than configure some params via AT commands. What are the plans for the future?

Best regards


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Where can I find this information on analyzing the data? If I click on the link just goes to the quickstart guide. I can’t find any information on analyzing the data or what data is sent out and the format.

Hello @pcubed,

This might help you out:

It is in general for all RAK Nodes, it explains which field gives which data and also give an example js decoder.
