RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

New great firmware available at RAK download site:

Release notes: 2020-03-04
Firmware package: RAK7200_Latest_Firmware.zip for EU868/US915/AU915/KR920/IN865/AS923 regions.
Firmware Version: V3.X.0.12
BOOT Version: V3.1.1
1.Add “gps,voltage,acceleration,magnetic,gyroscope” parameters open/close AT command.
You can use “at+help” command to see more details.
2.Fix the issue about saving the configuration of sensor.
3.Add a method about subcontract when the length of the packet is bigger than the current max payload

Currently under test and need to say it works fine at my site!
Thanks @Fomi



Thank you for your great testing. :handshake:
Looking forward more testing result from more users.

Someone could help with this problem…
I had received two RAK7200 trackers and I’m trying to put the two modules to communicate p2p. As soon I send the “command at+set_config=lora:work_mode:1” (LoRaP2P) the modules do not answer any more to any at command. I had tried everything and the modules became totally irresponsible. Seems that this a firmware problem since after reset the modules echoes that they are in the P2P mode but do not answer anymore… Solution was to flash again the bootload and install again the last firmware version to make the modules work again…
Could someone help me how to configure the two modules to communicate p2p ?

Thanks in advance!!!

Hi @emfpinto,

Sorry, RAK7200 hasn’t supported LoRaP2P mode now.
But it seems that there is a bug in the current firmware, when you use “at+set_config=lora:work_mode:1”, it should give an error feedback, because there is no LoRaP2P mode in RAK7200 now.
We’ll fix this bug in the next version.

Hi Fomi,
Thank you very much for the quick answer! I’m more a hardware guy and the RAK7200 seems in my opinion an excellent product/concept! …however yet with some software problems :slight_smile: I noted that there are some ICs that are not soldered. Is possible to have a reference of them? About the P2P we will try to develop our own firmware since anyway we will have to implement some behavior based on the accelerometer and we will be paying attention to new firmware versions!

Vehicle GPS Tracker Device

When i try to flash the firmware with stm32 i get a error: Operation exceeds memory limits.

I use the latest fw in this link: https://downloads.rakwireless.com/en/LoRa/RAK7200-Tracker/Firmware/

It only contains 1 file. Should there be a file for the firmware and another for the bootloader, or are they both in one file ?

Please advice.


Hi @smurphy,

Yes, there are a bootloader and a firmware in RAK7200, and they are different files.
But before we send out every RAK7200, we can make sure that there is already a bootloader working in the RAK7200. So in our mind, normally, people needn’t to flash the bootloader again, you just need to upgrade the firmware for RAK7200 if there is a new firmware released. It is really not easy for everyone to reflash the bootloader, that’s why we don’t want to share the bootloader file in our website.

Also, we know the bootloader may be ersed sometimes in an incorrect way, and in that case, people will need the bootloader file to reflash it. If it is, please send an email to me ([email protected]), and i will send you the bootloader file specially.

Hi @emfpinto,

I’m really sorry for late.
Can you tell me your usecase if you can, because in my mind, i don’t think LoRa P2P function is useful for RAK7200 device, and that’s why we haven’t supported P2P in RAK7200 yet.

Hi @smurphy,

About the issue you met, i think you can try to upgrade the firmware according to this document firstly:

If it can’t work too, you can send an email to me, and i will give you the bootloader file.

Yes of course!
We are developing a custom tracking device for the metal sheets containers that goes by truck from a warehouse to the biggest automobile manufacturer (about 1.5Km in line of sight) in Portugal: Autoeuropa (Ford_/volkswagen). We would like not use LoraWan but a custom very simple protocol and so we would like to make the first tests in p2p configuration…
As I told you I’m more in charge of the hardware development at our research group. I will ask my Colleague Ricardo Mendonça to give you more details about the software implementation!

Thank you very much for the attention,
Eduardo Pinto

Hi Fomi,

As emfpinto said in his previous post, we here only attempting to test the trackers in a simple configuration like p2p mode! However, being aware now that the firmware doesn’t support P2P mode, we moved on to the LoRaWan working mode.

Let me briefly explain now the scenario: We have built a custom made gateway/concentrator that is equipped with a SEMTECH LoRa transceiver. This gateway has been working with our custom made beacon using also LoRa modulation. This only for prototyping and it worked very well.

We now use a RAK7200 tracker to send data to our custom gateway. We configured the RAK7200 tracker to use the ABP authentication mode, and it notifies us that it joined the network succesfully and is now sending data at regular intervals. However, our gateway does not receive anything.

Maybe it is some misconfiguration between the tracker and the gateway/concentrator with the RF parameters (frequency, spread factor, coding rate, etc). Is it possible to change these parameters when in LoRaWan working mode? From the AT command list we know that it was possible to do that with the P2P mode.

Hi @emfpinto,

If it is only used for evaluating, the P2P function is not nesessary. As your colleague said, you can use LoRaWAN to evaluate too.

Hi @Ricardo,

Please help to confirm whether the region setting of LoRa node and LoRa gateway are different, or the enabled channels on LoRa node and LoRa gateway are different;
You can use “at+get_config=lora:status” to get the LoRa information, and use “at+get_config=lora:channel” to get all LoRa channels state.

Hi @Fomi,

the gateway is configured to operate in region EU868, listening at channel 1 (868.3 MHz), Bandwidth=125kHz, Spreadingt Factor=SF7 (128 chip/s), thus DataRate=5.
I also verified that RAK 7200 tracker is showing the same RF parameters by reading the output of both “at+get_config=lora:status” and “at+get_config=lora:channel” commands.


[LoRa]:Joined Successed!

OK *0,on,868100000,0,5; *1,on,868300000,0,5; *2,on,868500000,0,5; 3,off,0,0,0; 4,off,0,0,0; 5,off,0,0,0; 6,off,0,0,0; 7,off,0,0,0; *8,on,867100000,0,5; *9,on,867300000,0,5; *10,on,867500000,0,5; *11,on,867700000,0,5; *12,on,867900000,0,5; 13,off,0,0,0; 14,off,0,0,0; 15,off,0,0,0

OK Work Mode: LoRaWAN
Region: EU868
Send_interval: 5s
Auto send status: true.
Send_interval work at sleep
Join_mode: ABP
DevAddr: 12345678
AppsKey: A0000000000000000000000000000000
NwksKey: B0000000000000000000000000000000
Class: A
Joined Network:true
IsConfirm: false
AdrEnable: true
EnableRepeaterSupport: false
Current Datarate: 5
Primeval Datarate: 5
ChannelsTxPower: 0
UpLinkCounter: 0
DownLinkCounter: 0

I cannot see why I am not receiving anything, maybe I am missing something here about the LoRaWan protocol.

Thanks for your quick replies!

Hi @Ricardo
If you use LoRaWAN ABP mode ,you should make sure the three parameters(DevAddr,AppsKey,NwksKey) match the server.

I saw your 7200 work in auto send and sleep mode,can I see the detailed log of nodes?And what server did you test on? Does the gateway receive data?

Hi @leopold,

the network server and gateway is our own implemented version. In this stage I’m not interested in the network server at all to unmarshall and decrypt any packet according to the keys and device address for any high-level application.

The issue here is a very low-level one in the network stack: Our own custom gateway receives LoRa packets and prints out the bytes received (even if not decrypt using NwksKey and forward to an Application Server, we really don’t care about that right now) from other trackers (SEMTECH SX1272 for instance) but not from the RAK7200 tracker. By sharing the same RF parameters shouldn’t I be receiving any LoRa packet in any way in our gateway’s LoRA transceiver or am I missing something here :confused: ?

Hi @Ricardo
In that case you should confirm the frequency list of RAK7200 with “at+get_config=lora:channel”,
then see if the supported frequency points of the gateway match the frequency points that 7200 has turned on.

@leopold @Fomi

Do you know how to get the additional two digits of GPS data into The Things Network with the decoder? The decoder only shows 4 decimal places but the raw data in the serial port tool shows 6 decimal places.

“gps”: {
“altitude”: “393.5m”,
“latitude”: “44.9833°”,
“longitude”: “-89.6449°”

case 0x0188:// GPS
var gps = {};
gps.latitude = (parseTriple(str.substring(4, 10), 16) * 0.0001).toFixed(4) + “°”;
gps.longitude = (parseTriple(str.substring(10, 16), 16) * 0.0001).toFixed(4) + “°”;
gps.altitude = (parseTriple(str.substring(16, 22), 16) * 0.01).toFixed(1) + “m”;
myObj.gps = gps;
str = str.substring(22);


With AT command:
X means: <0: LPP format which is only 4 decimal digits accuracy>
<1: 6 decimal digits accuracy>


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Hi @JeroenKl,

I tried sending the command and found the following result.

The AT Command is invalid.

Any other suggestions? Thanks for your help.

Is this AT command an update in the latest firmware? I am currently on