RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

Maybe you can try third-party integration like Cayenne to show where the nodes are on the map.

What firmware and what integration are you using?

Latest available firmware (RAK download) and use TTNmapper and Cayenne as integration.
Both are working parallel.

Unfortunately I have not heard from you after I emailed you my address and therefore did not receive a replacement device as you have offered.

Hi @HansRak please mail to [email protected], I will check your case. As a part of the support team is based in Europe, it will be more easy to send you a replacement unit and investigate yours.

Hi Todor,

Just send you the email.

Regards, Hans.

Thank you. Will contact with you.

Hi @Fomi,

Any news?

BR, Jeroen [

quote=“Fomi, post:297, topic:658, full:true”]
Hi @dk5ras,

I’m really sorry for that.
We’re working hard to fix all issues recently, including exchanging internal antenna and remake the firmware based on RUI 4.0.

Hi @JeroenKl,

We’ve got the new internal antenna and test well.
Please send an email to me ([email protected]) for more details.

BTW, i don’t go to TTN conference finally, because of virus. So i’m sorry for that.

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OK, I had always tried using the RAK provided custom code. Switched to cayenne, will test if it works out now. TNX!

Hi @Fomi, just replied and provided you the details per email.


Bump on this comment. Need hdop in GPS payload. Maybe add a new GPSv2 tag in the decoder/payload?

I have to say I’m very concerned after reading this thread and trying RAK7200/7204/7249.

f the full source code for the nodes was open I’m sure these issues would have been tracked down and fixed by the community after a few days. As it is now, I’m really hesitant to go the RAK LoRa Node direction.

Maybe I missed something on GitHUb but please consider opening up RUI4.0 and the full firmware source code, and the build system for the nodes to the community so we can all make this a better product.

When did GPS hdop disappear? The firmware of that post says but the the latest firmware produces this output on TTN after adding the decoder scripts from GitHub:

  "DecodeDataHex": "0188061a81efef9302a5bc080201890371001400c703aa058600100048003d0902fc130a02e6fb0b02159f",
  "DecodeDataObj": {
    "acceleration": {
      "x": "0.020g",
      "y": "0.199g",
      "z": "0.938g"
    "battery": "3.93V",
    "gps": {
      "altitude": "1735.0m",
      "latitude": "40.0001°",
      "longitude": "1572.4435°"
    "gyroscope": {
      "x": "0.16°/s",
      "y": "0.72°/s",
      "z": "0.61°/s"
    "magnetometer": {
      "x": "-10.05μT",
      "y": "-64.05μT",
      "z": "55.35μT"

When was hdop removed? Can we add it back? Can you just open up the source so we can fix these issues ourselves?

Hi @MattiasF,

Please send an email to me. [email protected]
Thank you!

Hi @MattiasF
We’ve been using the LPP format for data packets,so it doesn’t contain “hdop” parameter.
I’m not sure how you use this parameter, and the latitude and longitude are converted by a specific algorithm, you can refer to it:
void gps84_To_Gcj02(double lat, double lon, double *lat02, double *lon02) {

        if (outOfChina(lat, lon)) {  

                *lat02 = lat;

                *lon02 = lon;



        double dLat = transformLat(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);  

        double dLon = transformLon(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);  

        double radLat = lat / 180.0 * pi;  

        double magic = sin(radLat);  

        magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic;  

        double sqrtMagic = sqrt(magic);  

        dLat = (dLat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi);  

        dLon = (dLon * 180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * cos(radLat) * pi);  

        *lat02 = lat + dLat;  

        *lon02 = lon + dLon;  



Hi @Fomi,
Just received the replacement, thank you for that.
Are all of you doing well?

BR, Jeroen

Hi @Fomi,
Ehhh any news with regards the new firmware which stores/holds the settings as required?


Hi @JeroenKl,

Maybe we can supply a new version to fix it next week. You know, we are working in home recently, and there is no RAK7200 device in hand to test.

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Hi @Fomi,

Wishing you and all the team good luck and soon recovery for everyone infected with the C-virus.
Happy to test beta firmware as soon as it is ready.

regards, Jeroen