RAK7200 node, GPS tracker


Thanks, I’ll contact you via email soon.

Hi @Fomi,

Is it possible to develop an AT command to be able to turn off the ‘Gyroscope’, ‘Accelerometer’ and/or the ‘Magnetosensor’ ?
Currently I’m not using those sensors and wasting valuable TX airtime.
Preferable to use the data for the extra GPS bits.

When is the RUI platform for the 7200 available?



Hi @JeroenKl,

OK, we can make a firmware to add some AT commands for turning off sensor/sensors.
About RUI platform for RAK7200, i think it may be Feb 2020 because i have some good idea to simplify users work by using RUI, like using Arduino(but not Arduino), and we must complete this work firstly.

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Great @Fomi, any timeline for this change?



Hi @JeroenKl,

We’ve just tested using the latest firmware which you may be using, and there are several AT commands can be used to close some sensors.

You can have a try by using the following AT commands:

If they can’t work, please let me know, and we’ll add this feature soon.

Hi @Fomi,

The AT commands are accepted but it is still sending the sensor data:

close magnetic detecte.
close acceleration detecte.
close gyroscope detecte.


Hope you can fix it soon.



ok, we’ll fix it ASAP.

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Hi @JeroenKl,

We’ve just tested it, and i’m sure that the sensor has been closed after you use that AT command.
But you should use the AT command after 30 seconds when you reset the device.
Please have a try again and let me know the result.

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Yes, need to perform the adjustments after 30 sec. works fine!
Works great, thank you @Fomi

too fast…
The adjustments are lost after at+set_config=device:restart

Can you check @Fomi?



Hi @JeroenKl,

Yes, it is.
It is because this configuration is not been stored. We’ll fix it in the next version firmware.

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I have bought the RAK7200 as it appeared to be the only readily available tracker without having to fiddle around with Arduinos, RasPis and other Linux boxes that I have more than enough of - I do not want to waste time in another such setup.

However after wasting days with irreproducible behavior I found this forum and found that I am not alone with this :frowning: At least now I found the mode without sleep, maybe this way it works a bit better. But also I stumbled over the annoying bug losing the settings after a reset.

Is there a chance that all these issues get addressed somehow soon? And how do I get HDOP into my data telegrams and into the ttn network?

BR - Ralph.

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Hi @dk5ras,

I’m really sorry for that.
We’re working hard to fix all issues recently, including exchanging internal antenna and remake the firmware based on RUI 4.0.

Well, hardware I can fix on my own, this is no big deal, and I consider connecting an external antenna anyway :slight_smile: Just the firmware issues are a bit annoying, and still I am not sure if the device can deliver GPS accuracy or HDOP in its telegram, or not.


Hi @Fomi,

Can you share the expected timeline and availability of the new firmware?



Hi @JeroenKl,

It will take almost 2 month… because the new year of China and we must develop RUI 4.0 framework firstly.

BTW, about the internal antenna, we’ve got the result of measure from factory, and we’re developing a better one. I think it may be done togather with the new firmware.

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Hi @Fomi,

Are you joining the TTN conference in Amsterdam end of Jan?
Maybe we can meet and discuss it IRL.

BR, Jeroen

Hi @JeroenKl,

I’m really sorry for late reply, because we have a compony year-end meeting in the past days, you know, i’m very busy for this meeting so that there is no time to have a look at forum, haha.:slight_smile:

Yes, i’ll be TTN conference in Amsteram, and we can meet and discuss surely. I’m looking forward. :wink:

Hi all,

has anyone had success in getting the position of the RAK7200 into the ttnmapper map? In weeks of trying I did not manage this, and I guess it is due to missing hdop or accuracy data…


Yes, without any issue