RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

@Nicholas - I currently have my RAK7200 plugged in to my laptop via USB.

When I plug it in, all three lights come on, and when data is transmitted, I see the blue “transmit” light flash as expected, however neither the “battery full” nor the “battery charging” lights are lit at any point during the charge/usage process.

As an example, at the moment it is charging but I don’t have the red light on that you mention.

Which version firmware you used?We test it is normal with Version3.1.0.9 and later version.

The transmit power value doesn’t persist between reboots. I set it to 5 which I found conflicting information in LORA as to whether 0 is more or less db than 5 (anyone have an idea?). Also, it seems that on DR 0, there isn’t enough bandwidth to send the 53 bytes that the 7200 tries to send. Therefore, I have to disable ADR. Should there be an option to mask out certain DR’s maybe like there are for channels? I’m on (indicator lights still don’t work)

Hi, I made a mistake. in OTAA mode I entered the dev_addr. Now my RAK7200 can no longer join. How can I delete the dev_addr?
If there are no alternatives I can also delete all the configuration and write it again but I have not found any of these commands. Thank you all!

Hi @giobert,

Can you use “at+get_config=lora:status” and show me the log please?

now I can’t, because I was in a hurry to use them. I converted them to ABP and installed them …

any news, update with regards this topic?

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“accelerometer_3”: {
“x”: 0.045,
“y”: -0.042,
“z”: 1.02
“analog_in_10”: 56.25,
“analog_in_11”: 113.1,
“analog_in_8”: 3.79,
“analog_in_9”: -17.4,
“barometric_pressure_6”: 0,
“gps_1”: {
“altitude”: 385.3,
“latitude”: 44.216,
“longitude”: 11.6002
“gyrometer_5”: {
“x”: 1.29,
“y”: 0.94,
“z”: -0.06
“temperature_2”: 0

I tried these measurements:

gps_1_latitude Latitude (°)
gps_1_longitude Longitude (°)

gps_1_altitude Altitude (mt)

analog_in_8 Battery Voltage (V)

analog_in_9 Magnetometer X (μT)
analog_in_10 Magnetometer Y (μT)
analog_in_11 Magnetometer Z (μT)

gyrometer_5_x Gyroscope X (°/s)
gyrometer_5_y Gyroscope y (°/s)
gyrometer_5_z Gyroscope z (°/s)

accelerometer_3_x Acceleration X (g)
accelerometer_3_y Acceleration Y (g)
accelerometer_3_z Acceleration Z (g)

barometric_pressure_6 not used??
temperature_2 not used??

So in defining my device in Signomix I entered the following value in the “Measurements” field:


and now, work!

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I followed this and the Measurments field mentioned in the above reply.

Defining TTN devices

Before you add the device to Signomix, make sure that using the TTN console:

  1. you have added the device to a selected TTN application
  2. you have assigned the Device EUI, Application EUI, App Key values according to the device’s technical parameters
  3. you have added an Application EUI device to the Application EUIS parameter
  4. you have checked that TTN application has a defined HTTP integration with URL equal http://signomix.com/api/ttn

You can add the device to Signomix by selecting “User Profile > Device Management” from the menu and then clicking the “+” icon. After selecting “UNDEFINED” device line, select the type “TTN”.

Pay attention to the following when defining the device:


The value of Authorization header specified in TTN application’s HTTP integration channel definition is entered in this field.

new firmware, no release notes (yet):


Hi @JeroenKl,

We’ve just added the changelog, please check.
The mainly change is this AT command “at+set_config=device:gps_format:X”:
X means: <0: LPP format which is only 4 decimal digits accuracy>
<1: 6 decimal digits accuracy>

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thanks @Fomi , ehhh I do not find the release details of in the release notes, wrong file uploaded?

Hi @JeroenKl,

It is correct in my side.

My RAK7200 (latest software flashed) usually sends the correct GPS coordinates for hours. Unfortunately sometimes and at random moments coordinates are sent that make no sense, for example latitude 740.5588 and longitude 9.8819. Same with battery power so this issue is not GPS related. Is this a known issue and does anyone have a solution?

Hi @HansRak,

I do not have this issue anymore after some firmware updates in the past.

BR, jeroen

Hi Jeroen,

Do you mean this is, in your experience, a known issue? Below my TTN payload decoder and the no sense payload from the RAK7200.

Regards, Hans.


function Decoder(bytes, port) {

var lat = bytes[2]<<16 | bytes[3]<<8 | bytes[4];
var lon = bytes[5]<<16 | bytes[6]<<8 | bytes[7];
var bat = bytes[13]<<8 | bytes[14];

return {
longitude: lon / 10000,
latitude: lat / 10000,
accu: bat / 100,



After using the RAK7200 for a few months I have to say that it has been my worst hardware experience since a long time. If it was my first introduction to LoRaWAN, I would even stop using LoRa immediately. I still feel like a beta tester for a product that i.m.o. came prematurely on the market and after months of struggling and many firmware updates the tracker seems still not working properly.

Sorry to say I have lost faith in RAKwireless products.

Don’t worry Hans. We take full responsibility for the product. As you can see the thread from other community member, they use the device with latest firmware seems no problem. Do you think we can send a new one to you and you return this failure one to us for further analysis? We really look forward to work with community to continue improve and provide the best lorawan device to industry. My email is [email protected]

Hi Hans,

No I do not recoginize it, I’m using LPP with cayenne and the GPS and Batt data is stable.

I’m still waiting for the internal antenna solution which @Fomi is going to fix :wink:

Thanks Jeroen. As you can see RAK takes this problem seriously and I will contact them via e-mail.

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