RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

Hi Jeroen,

Any success so far increasing the output power?

Best regards, Hans.

Hi, my node with the latest version never joined

Hi Hans,

Still testing, first impression it is much better. Tomorrow I’ll compare it against my TTGO-T-beam.
Meanwhile Remko is going to test it also.


Hi Jeroen and others,

My first test while driving with the RAK7200 (internal antenna and default TX settings) lying on the passenger seat of my car are very bad. To be honest, that doesn’t differ much from competing trackers such as the Dragino LGT92 and TTGO T-Beam. In fact I can say that in my opinion they are unusable for tracking at >250-500 meters from a gateway, at least with the internal antenna or in a car. I don’t complain about the GPS accuracy of the RAK7200.

Best regards, Hans.

Testing today 4 units of RAK7200 with diferent firmware, version 3, 7T3 and 9.
The Gateway confirm the Joing of one with version 7T3, but the node (using the RAK serial port tool) say that the device is not joined. I think that the problem is in the device firmware, never confirm the joing, then never send data to Gateway.

Hi @PabloG,

Are you using OTAA or ABP mode?
I’m using ABP and after flashing I’m performing the following commands (for EU):



at+set_config=lora:dev_addr: XXXXXX
at+set_config=lora:apps_key: XXXXXX


Hi Hans,

Indeed the internal antenna is very bad performing. Therefor I connected a SMA chassis connector and an external antenna. For me it is still less performing comparing to the TTGO-T-beam with the same antenna. Range in line of sight is approx. 40km with the tracker installed on my dashboard.

I’m not really sure the settings at+set_config=lora:tx_power:5 helps a lot… I do not have a powermeter available to check.

today’s drive:



Indeed i im using OTAA same situation send AT+join device connects to ttn but do not send any data

Hi Jeroen,

Much better than mine, so in that case I will also build in another (external) antenna. Too bad for my rubber belt :frowning:

Best regards, Hans.

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Sorry for maybe dump question but what does it mean interval:2:20 i know 20 means 20sec send interval but what does it mean 2. I was sure there is only 0 an 1 as true and false.

In this version firmware, you can use this AT command and set X to 2 which means RAK7200 will send packet every Y seconds too, but after sending, RAK7200 will not go to sleep.
For example, “at+set_config=lora:send_interval:2:10” means RAK7200 will wait for 10 seconds after sending a packet without sleep, then it will prepare another packet for sending.

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I’m using OTAA.
I have 4 devices, each one with diferents firmware, all give me the same situation, never get join when the Gateway say that are joined (I have one RAK7249). Then never send any Data.
In the same App I have a RAK5205 and two explained board samR35 from microchip. The only one that work is the one from microchip. I don’t understand why the RAK devices isn’t work.

I have done some research on the effect of tx_power setting on performance of the RAK 7200.
During 2 slots of 1 hour I logged RSSI reported by 3 gateways of my RAK7200. In slot 1 I used tx_power 5, and in slot 2 I used tx_power 0.

Tests ware perfomed while having version installed.

The results are below and show that I see no significant difference between tx_power 5 and 0.



Just like Jeroen I also have replaced the internal antenna and tested two external antennas. These are my results compared to the internal antenna from RAK:

Internal RAK db -85 to -93
Internal RAK snr 10.0 to 11.0

External TTGO db -77 to -82
External TTGO snr 9.5 to 10.5

External DexMRtiC db -57 to -59
External DexMRtiC snr 8.0 to 9.5

I cannot measure the two antennas so I must believe what the seller wrote about the frequency, both were sold as 868 MHz. As you can see the differences are significant.


Great you tried it as well, amazing result!:grinning:
The original internal antenna is far too close near the battery mounted, it cannot work very well… we know…

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RAK team, can you explain? What’s the result of the lab power measurement? Can you share it?

I’m using OTAA and AU915.
I tested in AS923 and worked fine, but in AU915 not

Something RAK can investigate and fix, unfortunately it is ‘National Day Golden Week’, you need to wait.

I want to finish this…, I need to finish my system…

Hi @PabloG,

Use ABP method it works for me. Using OTAA it fails join network.