RAK7204 not longer able to join after firmware update

I have just updated the firmware on one of my RAK7204 units which erased all the settings. I’ve added back the region, class, dev EUI, app EUI and app KEY as it was previously configured, but the unit is not able to successfully join. I can see the JoinRequest arrive on the gateway, and a JoinAccept sent back, but all I see on the RAK7204 is a “Unknown network error:3”… Seems like there is another configuration setting somewhere I have not set after the firmware update?

Here’s the output from the RAK7204:

RAK7204 Version:


Selected LoRaWAN 1.0.2 Region: AS923
BME680 init success.
autosend_interval: 600s
Current work_mode:LoRaWAN, join_mode:OTAA, Class: A
OTAA Join Start…
[LoRa]:Join retry Cnt:1
Unknown network error:3

[LoRa]:Joined Failed!
Go to Sleep.

Did you upgrade BootLoader before you upgraded firmware?