RAK811 Wisnode Lora Module v1.2 with Arduino UNO NOT WORKING

hi @takisd,
I have made the module work. I tell you my experience.
After performing all the updates, as you describe it,
Make the following connection between the Wisnode and my arduino Uno

Thanks to the explanation of @zabeelr, in the following post https://forum.rakwireless.com/t/rak811-problems/49/9?u=ncl17

I realized that the existing libraries for arduino don’t work, since the AT commands and their responses have changed.
I have updated these libraries (rudimentary)

Another problem I encountered is the use of “softwareserial”, for being arduino Uno.
I have changed in softwareserial.h the value #define _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF 256, so that the response message is not cut.

I have added a basic example to the library, it also uses a DHT11 connected to pin 5, 5v and GND
send a payload with temperature, humidity and a random value

I hope you can understand since I don’t speak English very well
best regard!