RAK8212M die on 12V

Hello ,
For testing and development purpose i was powering the RAK8212M on 5V and it was working great.
But when i plugged the board on my final circuit which is powered on 12V , a board component blow up and the board is not working anymore. (See picture)
The documentation says 3.5 to 18V so i wondering why the board die.
Do i need to power to board to 5V max ?

Hi @tadeoz,

I’m sorry for that.
I think there is an error in our document, it should be 3.3~5V. We’ll update the document today.
BTW, it is our mistake, so we’ll send a new RAK8212-M to you. Please tell me your email.

Hi @fomi,
Thanks for your reply , Here is my email [email protected]
Could you tell me if you have discuss with your colleague about my last aliexpress order of 10 modules and the BG96 firmware update ? (Order Id is 103669224934478)

Hi @tadeoz,

From now on, we’ll check every RAK8212 module to make sure that the BG96 firmware version is newer.


I will follow up with you by email

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