RUI3 Continuous wave command?


I’m upgrading our RAK3172 at version 1.0.4 to RUI3, and when reading AT Command Manual, I can’t encounter AT+CW=915000000:20:5. But we use this for production tests, to see the signal. At RUI3, does it not have a continuous wave test?


Welcome to RAK forum @guiff ,

AT+CW is still supported by RUI3.


Hi Carlrowan.

Thanks for your reply. But it’s not documented AT command manual in the RF test section for RUI3.


Hi @guiff ,

It was not included before in the early RUI3 release. We will have major updates on the AT commands and RUI3 API docs to include current implementation on the latest version.

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Hello @carlrowan interesting to know that a major update on the AT commands and RUI3 API is coming, can you give me an idea of the date for this update?

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