Seeking a 3172 PIN MAP to SX127x

Reference RAK3172:
I seek to get a table or sketch that indicates how the relevant pins on the STM32WL are mapped to the Semtech SX12xx inside the RAK3172. There are the SPI pins and GPIO’s to the DIOx connections. I don’t see the mapping here: Module Datasheet - while the PIN Table does show the RAK3172 Pins it does not show the interior ones.

Why? … I’m building the the node code image in CubeIDE from scratch and I find myself guessing.

There is no pin mapping.

The LoRa transceiver (SX1262 compatible) is inside the same chip as the STM32 MCU. It is one chip, one silicon.

If you are using STM32CubeIDE, please check our Low Level Development guide how to use the RAK3172 with STM32CubeIDE.

Thanks much :slight_smile:well that clears things up a lot. I did go to the low level development and built it with few manageable challenges. It worked fine (me-thinks).

I was concerned that my design was reusing some GPIO’s that were attached to the SX part and the whole mapping of SPI’s was totally confusing me. I have a bit of study required here to discover implications.

Again … thanks for clearing this up promptly!