I want to send the data I read via UART on Rak3172 to the gateway. I want help with Arduino IDE software to send the read data. I would also appreciate it if you could provide software support regarding decode on the AWS side.
Welcome to RAK forum @berkeguvn ,
With regards of sending data to the gateway (assuming LoRaWAN Gateways), you can use the LoRaWAN APIs of RUI3 of RAK3172. You can check the Quick Start Guide of RAK3172 to see how to setup Arduino IDE, add the RAK3172 board, how to use the pins and have a basic LoRaWAN OTAA example running.
As for the AWS side, you need to give more info how AWS is utilized. Do you use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN as LNS? Or you use MQTT of AWS IoT Core? Or you push data to some AWS service/s? I am not very familiar with AWS but giving more info on this might give some light on your questions and others could help better.
Actually, what I mean is this. I want to transmit the data I read from the Uart protocol in JSON format, but I do not know how to adapt it to this code. Can you give an example code?
Hi @berkeguvn ,
Do you have a UART data in JSON format? Then it needs to be converted as LoRaWAN payload?
Maybe you can have a look on ArduinoJson, this is a very popular library on handling Json in Arduino.
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