Serial print DEVEUI


we recently got some NO_IPEX RAK3172 (SKU: 305044) to solder on our custom boards. Unfortunately, the ink on the white sticker reporting the QR code and DEVEUI has wiped off with alcohol. How can I retirieve the EUI? eg Serial.print(DEVEUI);

Bytheway, the ink is perfectly stable on the WITH IPEX version!


Welcome back to the forum @pico

Per AT command:


From API (custom firmware):

uint8_t key_eui[16] = {0};
api.lorawan.deui.get(key_eui, 8);
Serial.printf("DevEUI = %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r\n",
						  key_eui[0], key_eui[1], key_eui[2], key_eui[3],
						  key_eui[4], key_eui[5], key_eui[6], key_eui[7]);
api.lorawan.appeui.get(key_eui, 8);
Serial.printf("DevEUI = %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r\n",
						  key_eui[0], key_eui[1], key_eui[2], key_eui[3],
						  key_eui[4], key_eui[5], key_eui[6], key_eui[7]);
api.lorawan.appkey.get(key_eui, 16);
Serial.printf("DevEUI = %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\r\n",
						  key_eui[0], key_eui[1], key_eui[2], key_eui[3],
						  key_eui[4], key_eui[5], key_eui[6], key_eui[7],
						  key_eui[8], key_eui[9], key_eui[10], key_eui[11],
						  key_eui[12], key_eui[13], key_eui[14], key_eui[15]);

It was indeed easy :smiley:

Thanks @beegee !

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