What does dutycycleEnable mean?

Hi all,
I have a RAK7204, and when I run AT command :at+get_config=lora:status, I get dutycycleEnable:false as below
my questions are

  1. if it becomes true what it does ?
  2. and what is the AT command for enabling that.
  3. whether this prevent my device to break the duty cycle limitation when I set an interval of sending data?
    Thanks a lot

DutyCycle is about allowed usage of bandwidth with LoRaWAN. There are restrictions how much bandwidth (or how many seconds send time per hour) per frequency your device is allowed to use. This restriction is made to make sure that one device is not using up all the available bandwith and blocks other devices to send packets.

More here: Duty Cycle | The Things Network

@beegee thank you very much for your reply, yes I know about duty cycle limitation and sorry my question was not clear. My question is regarding what this command does? I mean
whether if this command is (dutycycleEnable:true) and I set a critical interval of sending data, does this command control and prevent my device to break the duty cycle limitation or not?
and what is the AT command to set it as true
Thanks alot

Hi James,

If you set it to FALSE the LoRaWAN MAC layer is not checking for DutyCycle and you can send more packets than DutyCycle allows. It is in the responsibility of your application to honor the DutyCycle requirements.

If you set it to TRUE the LoRaWAN MAC layer is checking whether it is possible to send a packet within the allowed bandwidth usage and might reject to send too many packets.

@beegee Thank you very much for your explanation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could advise me what is the AT command to run for getting this status True.
I could not find the related At command for that
Thanks you very much

You can see the status only with at+get_config=lora:status. It is controlled by the node so it is up to you if you enable or disable it with at+set_config=lora:dutycycle_enable:<status>
status = 0 => Disable
status = 1 => Enable