RAK7200 node, GPS tracker

Dear RAK people,

As an owner of your new RAK7200 I must, unfortunatelly, confirm most or even all above mentioned issues and I am counting on RAK to solve these problems soon. Furthermore I wonder why Todor has placed the image of the RAK7205 Cayenne overview as Jeroen also noted.

Kind regards, Hans.

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Hi all,

We’ve compiled a firmware for RAK7200. In this version, you can set whether RAK7200 will go to sleep after sending a packet.
Please download it from here:

The AT command is this one:

In this version firmware, you can use this AT command and set X to 2 which means RAK7200 will send packet every Y seconds too, but after sending, RAK7200 will not go to sleep.
For example, “at+set_config=lora:send_interval:2:10” means RAK7200 will wait for 10 seconds after sending a packet without sleep, then it will prepare another packet for sending.

BTW, we’ve add the LEDs function in this version too.
Please try to test with this firmware.


Hi Fomi,

Thanks for the new version! Just wanted to test your new firmware but updating went wrong with the LoRaButton Upgrade Tool. Not sure what I am doing wrong now and I did not discover any update problems before using the same setup and PC.

After pressing the Upgrade Tool start button it shows “Open Serial Port” and a few seconds later “Time out error, Please click STOP to restart operation”. The port connection should not be the problem, this because the Serial Port Tool works and shows firmware version with command “at+version”. Pressing the reset button as suggested bij Todor Velev (RAK7200, updater tool and firmware) did no work in my case.

Any solution?

Best regards, Hans.

Hi @HansRak
Do you try to put RAK7200 in boot mode?
Disconnect from RAK Serial Port Tool and then update with RAK LoRaButton Upgrade Tool.

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My mistake, I was not fully awake yet :wink: Problem solved, thanks for your quick response! Now updating and testing later today.

Best regards, Hans.

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Currently under test. Curious!

First impression:

  • Charge LED and TX LED are working
  • at+set_config=lora:send_interval:2:10 works great. TX Interval is 10sec + packet_ready-time = approx 25 sec.
  • Magneto sensor accoring to LPP standard, not fixed yet:
    “accelerometer_3”: {
    “x”: -0.006,
    “y”: 0.003,
    “z”: 0.95
    “analog_in_10”: -33.45, <<<<<
    “analog_in_11”: 3.15, <<<<<
    “analog_in_8”: 3.82,
    “analog_in_9”: 44.25, <<<<<
    “gps_1”: {
    “altitude”: 7,
    “latitude”: xx.2657,
    “longitude”: xx.1832
    “gyrometer_5”: {
    “x”: -0.03,
    “y”: -1.31,
    “z”: -0.02

-TTN mapper, without physical tracker movement, clear sky view:

NOT ok

During car-driving:
Not too bad! :wink:



Hi,@ JeroenKl
Do you have the document about LPP standard? We find the LPP document support Cayenne no Magneto sensor.

Hi @wang,

I’ll check for you, but should it not be in between as MagnetometerID is 3314?
So the LPP ID is 114?

Cayenne accepts somehow Magnetometers:


I’ll search further, but will be later today due to work.



Hi @Fomi,

I think there is something wrong with the GPS, data, clock regarding the Longitude variable.
Only this variable is sometimes sending wrong data:

What can we do about it?

Checking the TTN console I indeed see this variable ‘hopping’.



If I set LPP ID is 114(0x72),all sensor data can’t decode by LPP format.So I think Cayenne don’t suppot magnetometers.

Yes,we found that Longitude variable indeed have abnormal numerical.we will verify it.

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Hi all,

We’ve modified the source code to fix the issue of Longitude avariable, and i think it mai be fixed now according to our testing.

Please try to test in your location using this firmware:

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GPS was a bit too far east on the earlier firmware. I’ve managed to get a good hit on my house now :slight_smile: Thanks!

Thanks @fomi,

The downloaded firmware T3, is after flashing named: RAK7200 version:
Currently under test. :wink:



Hi @leopold ,

Are you sure as the TTN console is not Cayenne. Cayenne will only use the LPP data forwarded from TTN server.
First LPP need to support it, I’ll investigate and get back to you asap.



Hi, Some testing toady here with T1 version. There is progress as I can see!
here is the same route today by the same two trackers I used last sunday:

Reference tracker:

RAK7200 tracker:

I will now program T3 version.

Hi Fomi,

Below the device status in Serial Port Tool with your latest firmware:

  • version (T2, not T3 as .bin filename)

  • LPS22HD sensor is closed or not found

The MPU9250 sensor (indoor and stable on my desktop):

  • Acceleration(g) of X,Y,Z: 0.02,0.07,0.99

  • Gyro(degress/s) of X,Y,Z: -1.61,0.45,0.71

  • Magnetometer(uT) of X,Y,Z: 28.65,52.95,55.05

The indoor GPS position is accurate (The Netherlands) and pretty constant over time. Altitude value is constant but wrong, this is a common problem with all GPS modules I have tested so far.

Best regards, Hans.

One nit is that V3.1.0.7.T3 identifies as T2 in at+version.

The GPS data is now reporting and correct.

A feature request would be a GPS tracking mode where the device would send a packet every X seconds if the GPS position has not changed more than a given distance. If it did change it would send a packet every Y seconds. This would be useful when trying to provide data to ttnmapper.org.

Hi Jeffrey,

Like the idea but constant checking distance changes (or speed) will drain the battery I’m afraid.

Best regards, Hans.

I should say, as already provided some posts ago:

wake up> check previous GPS coordinates > movement? >

  • Yes> transmit data and store/save coordinates for next check > sleep
  • No > sleep

as an addition, after 30 min of no movement, transmit data once