RAK3172. Error: Detect baudrate fail Problem

when writing with ardino
Detect baudrate fail occurs frequently.

・ RAK3172 3 out of 8 purchases are up.
・Once it occurs, it is easy to recur. (level to wake up the next day)
RAK Device Firmware Upgrade Tool v1.4
STM32 Cube Programmer
If you try and rewrite the FW, you can write, but there are many failures in rewriting the FW.
・There are times when you hit it with a reset or AT command and the AT command returns normally,
In that state, there is a high probability that the FW rewrite will go well.

I don’t want to get Detect baudrate fail anymore, so please HELP me if there is anything.


Hi @otomo ,

Do you encounter that issue on fresh RAK3172 modules or after you upload your custom RUI3 firmware (if only when your firmware is uploaded, will you be able to share it to me so I can check and try)?

Also, can you share the circuitry you use for the RAK3172?

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I think the problem is related also to:
RAK3172 Arduino IDE RUI3 uploading problems (2nd time) - RUI - RAKwireless Forum
Need help to Upload firmware in RAK3127 using Arduino ide, and also not respond AT command - WisBlock - RAKwireless Forum

If you can, run AT+BOOT through Serial just after the startup of the module so you should be able to upload a new firmware.


Thank you for your response, carlrowan.

Do you encounter that issue on fresh RAK3172 modules or after you upload your custom RUI3 firmware (if only when your firmware is uploaded, will you be able to share it to me so I can check and try)?

Am I correct in assuming that custom RUI3 firmware = arudino sketch?
The occurrence is happening after writing the following.

sketch_sendgawa_comunity.ino (3.1 KB)

Also, can you share the circuitry you use for the RAK3172?

It is happening in this form. I have not added anything to the circuitry.

a.occ, thanks for your message. I will check next time it occurs.

I could write with arudino IDE by AT+BOOT and put it in BOOT MODE.

Even after AT+BOOT, I cannot write without the BOOT MODE display.
Is it affected by the process of writing to arudino?

If your application is e.g. running the loop() without any delays and keep the MCU busy, that can have a effect on the firmware download.
Another problem could be that your application crashes, leaving the UART non-functional (happened to me multiple times).

hello community, I managed to solve this problem, using the stm32CUbeprogrammer software provided in STM32CubeProg - STM32CubeProgrammer software for all STM32 - STMicroelectronics , You must download the latest firmware of the module which can be found at index - powered by h5ai v0.30.0 (https://larsjung.de/h5ai/) ,In my case, it generated an error related to the fact that the boot mode of the device had to be activated, for this I implemented the connection between the 3.3V output to the boot pin and reconnected the module to the computer, This way it was able to connect with the device, and it is only to download the .hex or .bin file. the device can be used again later.

Thank you Camilofor your reply.
I had tried with the STM32CubeProgrammer and the connection between the 3.3V output and the boot pin, but
But sometimes it was not possible to rewrite the FW. Currently, it is more probable to be able to check BOOT MOOD by serial AT command.
I was able to rewrite it with a higher probability.

Thank you beegee for your reply.
I have added the following to the loop function
delay(500);//wait without power save
api.system.sleep.all(500);//wait with power save

I will try to add the following to the loop function.